George MorrisDec 30, 2019Top 50 Films of the Decade (Part Two)Continuing the countdown of my favourite films of the decade, here are numbers 24-1.
George MorrisDec 23, 2019Top 50 Films of the Decade (Part 1)My Top Favourite films of the past Decade from number 50-25.
George MorrisAug 26, 2019Films to Still Get Excited For in 2019 With only three more months of 2019, I bet you think there's not many films left to see. WRONG. There's arguably more to see than before.
George MorrisJul 29, 2019'The House Bunny' - A 90s Script Locked Away For a Decade? Is the script for 'The House Bunny' a long-lost relic ushered into life by star Anna Faris?
George MorrisJul 22, 2019'Toy Story 4' & Keeping Things Simple*SPOILERS for 'Toy Story 4' When we all wondered if another Toy Story was necessary, why does the fourth film feel so right?