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A Blog by Any other name
Ramshackle Thoughts and Bewildering Anecdotes of a not-quite man

George Morris
Jun 1, 2020
Creating a Genre: 'Jaws' and the Modern Blockbuster
'Jaws' was the biggest film of all time and kicked off everything we know as a 'summer blockbuster' today. But how did it do it?

George Morris
May 18, 2020
The Weird History Of Films That Became Cartoons (Part Three)
In the final part of my cartoon exploration series, I go from 2000 to present day looking at the films that became cartoons. Some were-

George Morris
May 4, 2020
The Weird History of Films that became Cartoons (Part One)
If you ever stop to think about the cartoons you watched as a kid, did it ever seem weird to you how many were based on films?

George Morris
Aug 26, 2019
Films to Still Get Excited For in 2019
With only three more months of 2019, I bet you think there's not many films left to see. WRONG. There's arguably more to see than before.
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