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A Blog by Any other name
Ramshackle Thoughts and Bewildering Anecdotes of a not-quite man

George Morris
Oct 19, 2020
The Passion List Podcast | Shaina Coster on Killing Eve (Episode 3)
Media Graduate Shaina Coster joins me on the third episode of The Passion List Podcast to discuss her favourite TV show - Killing Eve.

George Morris
Oct 12, 2020
20 Films to Prove the Horror Renaissance is Far From Over
The horror genre is in the best state it's ever been. To the point where there's still so much to look forward to. Let's have a look...

George Morris
Oct 5, 2020
The Omniscience of the Scream Franchise
You can very easily sum up recent generations and decades by what was going on in their horror films. Horror has always been at its most...

George Morris
Aug 24, 2020
'Savageland' & The Horror of Photo Manipulation
Indie horror documentary 'Savageland' manages to perfectly utilise the dread-fuelled horror that photo manipulation can muster.

George Morris
Aug 17, 2020
'Upright' & Tim Minchin's Road to 'Apart Together'
Tim Minchin's TV drama 'Upright' seems destined to be one of the most underrated TV shows of recent years, but it's at least paved the way-

George Morris
Jul 27, 2020
'Hagazussa' & 'The VVitch' | The Battle for Folk Horror's Soul?
Or: 'You've seen 'THE VVITCH' now watch THIS!!!!'
Lukas Feigelfeld's harrowing 15th century German dark drama is a bolder, tougher beas-

George Morris
Jul 20, 2020
Southland Tales: "'Donnie Darko' for Grown-Ups?"
The Underrated, The Overlooked and The Underbooked. Richard Kelly's 2006 follow up to 'Donnie Darko' is a hugely ambitious postmodern-

George Morris
Jul 13, 2020
15 Films To Make You Feel Better in These Troubled Times
Escape from the terrors of the outside world for a little while by losing yourself in these 15 stories that'll help heal your brain...

George Morris
Jul 6, 2020
'Searching' & The Changing Format of Storytelling
Does 2018's brilliant techno-thriller 'Searching' pave the way for a new form of storytelling?

George Morris
Jun 29, 2020
One Year On...
In which George reflects on running a weekly blog for a year in order to avoid getting a 'real job'...

George Morris
Jun 22, 2020
Five Years Apart | 'Doctor Who' and Darkness
A fleeting conversation between two Georges, five years apart, as they debate the elements of 'Darkness' (whatever that is) in Doctor Who...

George Morris
Jun 15, 2020
If it's not in Frame it Doesn't Exist - 'Shadow of the Vampire'
The Underrated, The Overlooked and The Underbooked. 2000's 'Shadow of the Vampire' is a poignant tale of driven creativity and monster myth-

George Morris
Jun 8, 2020
Black Lives Matter - A Beginner's Guide on What to Watch
Educate yourself. Be Entertained. You can do both.

George Morris
Jun 1, 2020
Creating a Genre: 'Jaws' and the Modern Blockbuster
'Jaws' was the biggest film of all time and kicked off everything we know as a 'summer blockbuster' today. But how did it do it?
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